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Are you looking to offer smashed pennies for your zoo, amusement park, giftshop, or attraction?  We offer the most advanced coin operated manual crank penny press machines; used to smash pennies, squish pennies, and elongate pennies and foreign coins. Our smashing machines come in a variety of styles, sizes, and budgets to match your needs.

We have the most advanced machines on the market, with several distinct differences that you don't want to miss out on.  Please check out our buyers guide before you make a purchase.

With over 20 years of experience specifically building penny machines, you will not find a more reliable machine on the market.   We also offer the best warranty in the industry, unconditionally.
"These penny press machines are rock solid!  We have had them for many years at our zoo and have nothing but a great experience"


"With a friendly staff and stout machine, you can't go wrong with global impressions!"

-Amusement Park